Hello everyone, I am Anky jar. This time I will not write flight report, but I will write Hong Kong Hotel review. Why? Many hotels in Hong Kong will offer discounts to attract Hong Kong people in order to survive due to virus. The hotel which I stayed at this time is making a very favorable price.
酒店 Hotel : 尖沙咀凱悅酒店 Hyatt Regency Hong Kong
地址 Address : 河內道18號 18 Hanoi Road,Tsim Sha Tsui,Hong Kong
購入方法 Buying location : Klook

This time I live in room 1615 on the 16th floor
房間是升降機一開轉右的第一間 The room is the first one to turn right when the lift's door opens

房間的電視 Television
櫃子 Cupboard :
1.茶包 Chinese Tea Bag
2.咖啡包 Coffee package
3.熱水壼 Electric Water Boiler
4.開瓶器 Corkscrew
數枝酒精飲料(需付費) Alcoholic beverages (fee required)
5.雪箱/雪櫃 Refrigerator: 枝瓶飲料(需付費) Soft Drink and Juice (fee required)

Working place
1.工作桌 Working Desk
2. 椅子 Chair
3. 閱讀燈 Reading Light
4.電話 Telephone

There is a personal combing (sofa) and foot chair next to the personal work zone

I stayed the room which was a room with 2 single beds this time
If you have a request, you could ask the hotel staff politely when you check-in the room, I believe they will help you in their control

房間看出去的風景 The view from the room

Bathroom part :
1.企缸 Classic Bathroom
2.浴缸 Bathtub

大毛巾 Towel
馬桶 Toilet
廁紙 Toilet Paper
電話 Telephone in bathroom

鏡子 Mirror
毛巾 Towel
插頭 Plug
黑色盒子內 Inside the box:
牙刷,牙膏 Toothbrush,toothpaste
化妝棉 Cotton pad
棉花棒 Cotton swab
刮鬍器 Shaver
Body lotion

The bathroom has an amazing design. You can open one of the mirror positions, but you can't get in and out. Can someone tell me what this design does?

以上餐牌是房間進食的餐牌(Room Service)
The above menu is the Room Service menu.
因這次優惠是經KLOOK預訂,大約1500HKD,包一晚房(中午12時可入住,第二天下午4時退房),第二天雙人自助早餐及送1000HKD餐飲回贈(包括Room Service)
This offer is booked through KLOOK, it is about 1500HKD, one night room included, buffet breakfast for two on the next day and 1000HKD dining rebate (including Room Service).
(You could check-in at 12noon and check-out at 4pm in the next day.)
第二天Second day
我們大約9點到大堂旁邊的自助餐廳吃早餐 We went to the restaurant which is next to the lobby for breakfast at about 9 o'clock in the morning.

由於款式太多,我們還沒試過所有食物就已經飽了,但也吃了一個小時多,味道不錯。有冷盤,中式熱食,西式熱食,甚至日式味憎湯 Due to the many styles and foods, we were full before trying all the food, but after eating for over an hour, it tasted good. There are cold dishes, hot Chinese food, hot Western food, and even Japanese miso soup.
最後在兩點多,我們點了下午茶,差不多800HKD的 Room Service
Finally, we ordered afternoon tea which is about 800HKD Room Service at 2pm.
大約等了45分鐘,餐車便直送到房間,而且食物還是熱的。 We wait around 45 minutes, the dining car was delivered directly to the room.However,the foods are hot.

飲料 Drinks:
甘菊茶 Chamomile tea
日本綠茶 Japanese Green Tea
食物 Foods:
雲吞麵 Wonton noodles
忌廉蘑菇湯 Mushroom Cream Soup
酸梅醬素春 Vegetarian Spring Rolls with Sour Plum Sauce
各款面包 Various types of bread
千層麵 Italian Lasagne