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作家相片: oneworldnskyteamoneworldnskyteam

ANKY仔今天會繼續介紹香港台北線,而這次的「幸運兒」是 :

Anky continues to introduce routing HKG/TPE and the lucky star is :

能猜到嗎?? ​

  • 航空公司 AIRLINES : 國泰港龍航空 CATHAY DRAGON

  • 航班 FLIGHT NO : KA482

  • 共享代碼 CODE SHARE FLIGHT NO : 國泰航空 CX5482

  • 機型 AIRCRAFT TYPE : A320


  • 座位 SEAT : 11A

  • 航程 ROUTING : 香港 HKG / 台北 TPE T1

  • 登機門 GATE : 502


Please spending much more time if your boarding gate are below:​

  • 登機門501-510是在北衛星客運廊,要在511 登機門旁邊坐巴士過去。由於飛機移動會影響巴士的時間所以要預多時間阿~

  • 登機門201-230是在中場客運廊,要坐無人駕駛列車前往,無人駕駛列車會先停登機門36-71,再到201-230登機門~

  • Gate 501 to 510 (North Satellite Concourse): You need to take the shuttle bus near gate 511 .You need to spemd much more time if the flight are pushback,the bus wll have effect and the duration time will be more.

  • Gate 201 to 230 (Midfield Concourse): You need to take train from Level 3.The train has two stops. The first station is gate 40 to 71.Second station is gate 201-230. It is so far between Midfield Concourse and gate 1 to 71.


Gate 501-510 only parked small narrow aircraft due to location and facilities of North Satellite Concourse. You could see there are 10 number gate,but gate 507 could not use because the safety problem.

KA A320商務艙的座位

  • 枕頭在登機前已經放在你的座位上 Pillow is pre-set before you board the aircraft

  • 抗噪音耳機在你的扶手位下方 Noise Cancellation Headphone is under the armrest

  • 扶手位下方還有安全指示卡及機內雜誌 Safety Card and inflight magazine are same location with Noise Cancellation Headphone


Crew served you a welcome drinks and wet tissue after you sit down ​


Attenion: Business Class in KA which do not provide hot/cold towel. They will use wet tissue instead of Hot/Cold towel

空姐過了一會再派發餐單 Crew sent you a menu after a few minutes

港龍的飛機餐是LSG,德國漢莎空廚提供的;國泰航空的飛機餐是CPCS,國泰空廚提供的 ​

Catering of Cathay Dragon is provided from LSG;Catering of Cathay pacific is provided from CPCS​

但餐單的設計跟國泰是一模一樣,以全黑白設計,只是LOGO由綠轉紅而已(CUT COST也太厲害了​)

You could see the menu is same as Cathay Pacific's menu.The different is the logo which is red colour,CX is green colour.​



其實,你電話在登機前先下載STUDIO KA,起飛後連上KA飛機的WIFI也可以

Crew will make order before the flight take off,and they ask do you need red/white wine or Champagne initiatively.​

After making order,Senior purser will greet and tell some flight information with the passengers which sit Business Class.They will serve you a IPAD instead of Personnel TV.No PTV in business and economy class in KA's A320.​

Actually,you could download app which called STUDIO KA from your phone,then you connect the inflight wifi. It is the same function.


Crew return to galley after the flight take off. They will send the tray and meal to you by hands because A320 aircraft.(I don't remember A321 N A330 aircraft​)

國泰港龍的餐點有前菜、麵包、主菜跟甜點 There are starter,bread,main course and dessert.​

國泰餐點就把前菜改為水果 For Cathay Pacific,they will use fresh fruits instead of starter.​


The secord different point is the chinese style in CX,they will use bowl and will ask you do you need chopsticks.

KA is not provided. ​​

空服在收餐時,會問你需要咖啡或茶嗎? Crew collected the tray and asked you do you need coffee or tea?? (no me to choose haha​)


Landing in Taoyuan Airport Information as below:

抵達登機門 Arriving Gate : B7

航廈 Terminal : 第一航廈 Terminal 1

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