Hi, I am Anky who will introduce flight from Singapore to Hong Kong.Unfortunately,I changed flight three times due to Hong Kong typhoon and aircraft maintance.
我原是CX734/21OCT航班, 因香港打風影響,過來的CX739已取消,所以改了一班早的凌晨飛機CX714/21OCT。
I was originally on flight CX734/21OCT. Due to the Hong Kong's typhoon , the incoming aircraft/flight CX739 has been cancelled, so I changed an early morning red eye flight CX714/21OCT.

I arrived at Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 1 at around 10:30 on the 20th OCT
(now It uses Terminal 4, don’t go wrong )

登機後,我看到商務艙真的全滿,空服也派歡迎飲料。After boarding the plane, I saw that the business class was really full, and the flight attendants also distributed welcome drinks.

喝完CATHAY DELIGHT,噩夢就來了。機長宣佈因飛機機件故障,需要半小時檢查。
After drinking CATHAY DELIGHT, the nightmare is coming. The captain announced that it would take half an hour to check due to maintance of the aircraft.
After half an hour of inspection, the captain said that there was no problem, but when preparing to shut down the hatch, he said that there was a problem with the second part of the machine. As a result, at about 3 in the morning, the captain announced that the flight had be cancelled due to techinal and the crew rest.

After getting off the plane, the ground crew told us to go to the transfer area to get the new boarding pass and hotel voucher. I waited almost an hour to get the CX716 boarding pass on the 21st(same day). What's more,I had to take a taxi for half an hour. I arrived at the hotel around 5am (hotel, hotel meals, taxi fare is paid by Cathay Pacific)
好,我在下午4點回到機場,寄行李後,拍了一些飛機 OK, I returned to the airport at 4pm, after sending my luggage, I took some pictures of the plane.

捷星亞洲航空 Jetstar Asia A320
國泰航空 Cathay Pacific A330-300 (B-HLU oneworld livery)
由於CX716上段是CX713 曼谷去新加坡,所以飛機沒受香港打風影響,回程的時候,颱風也離開了香港。
Since the incoming aircraft of CX716 was CX713 from Bangkok to Singapore, the aircraft was not affected by the typhoon in Hong Kong. On the return trip, the typhoon also left Hong Kong.

個人電視 Personal TV
歡 迎飲品 Welcome Drinks : 橙汁 Orange Juice
餐單 Menu

起飛後 After Take Off


大約45分鐘,空服人員派發堅果花生和飲料 About 45 minutes, the flight attendant distributed nuts and drinks.

前菜 Starter

煙鴨胸伴香辣芒果醬 Smoked Duck breast and mango chilli
鮮蔬沙律 Mixed Garden Salad
水 Water
主菜 Main Course

你能猜到是甚麼嗎? Could you guess what it is?
這是...... This is ...

Yes, this is Soto Ayam (spicy chicken noodle soup). A bit spicy

水果 Fruits
士多啤梨/草苺 Strawberry
木瓜 Papaya
蘋果 Apple
西瓜 Watermelon
奇異果 Kiwi Fruit
機艙 The Cabin

1-2-1座位配置 the seat config:1-2-1
座位可平躺 Flat bed

個人電視 Personal TV
飛行資料 Flight Information

飛行地圖 Flight Map

Finally, I ordered a cup of Japanese green tea and the plane began to descend.